

  朋友問我,現在不過是十二月底,而Marilyn Manson演唱會在明年三月,妳現在就開始卯力開攻,會不會太早些?我不知怎麼回答,祇能在電話彼端笑笑。

  看演唱會當然要做功課,雖然我不知其它人有否這需要,也許他/她們早熟稔濫調,隨便一個音一起,馬上就在臺下舉臂振搖地大聲唸唸有詞,並且還會回應臺上歌手為炒熱氣氛,當他們把麥克風往臺下遞,希望聽到大家一起合唱(應該講"吶喊")的聲音直貫雲霄……全場像著魔似地,無論是嘶吼也好、甩髮也行、小鬼相互暴衝或如Marilyn Manson他的場子,是不能與其它樂團和現場狀況相比擬的。Marilyn Manson要用個案處理……(女粉絲一直要衝上臺露奶,總不是每個樂團的聽眾會做出與想這麼狂猛的)。

  其它樂團難道沒比他更瘋狂與誇張嗎?當然有(多的是還沒攻入市場及太小眾,尚在培養)────但凡在挪威、芬蘭、瑞典那些北歐國家,愈泠的國家,樂團愈勁爆!用勁暴根本不夠精準,他們一人成團的精專各種樂器,根本就不是人類;且曲風之殘忍和炫技功夫之一流再加上他們讓我有點害怕的人格特質,已超過Marilyn Manson更多。

  其實我不是那麼喜歡看Marilyn Manson的MV。(嘟著嘴)我喜歡他的嗓音和旋律,當然還有幾首歌,剛好就在幾年前的一段時間裏,它的歌伴我處理……我是一個很容易就會────自我感覺極差的人。沒關係,大家笑罷。寫出來,不就是讓你們感覺好些的嗎?總還有人比你們現在的fu或狀況更差。別問我能處理嗎?如果我能處理好我自己,絕對不吝嗇不寫的;但看看我……是的,看著螢幕裏的我,我的文字(人),我還在靠北、靠南、靠東西、靠著中山北路且不知如何走上高速公路在走……。

  今天有想到一件,可能祇有我自己才覺得好笑的(未來)場面:「假如我有小孩,而小孩年紀又已經國小三、四年級,絕對看得懂英文也聽得懂英文歌的狀況下,身為母親角色的我還在聽Marilyn Manson的歌,應該也是要偷偷躲起來聽,並且還要藏好我的CD外,也得要用耳機聽才行。這種情況,感覺有點像男人在藏A片而不想讓他的伴侶或老婆看到與知道。最糟糕還有另外一種:『我的小孩會指責我怎麼會聽這樣的音樂?!』或者另個情況,他們在不知情且學校如若有談論到音樂的領域,而我的小孩講:『我媽聽Marilyn Manson』,那應該換老師要叫我去學校,而他/她要訓的人是我,而不是小孩。可能還會跟我勸解,為了小孩的身心及人格健全,妳(我)應該不要聽Marilyn Manson的音樂!」


  他的歌曲,有時需要登入Youtube滿十八才能聽。簡的來說就是十八禁!以下這首歌,不知為何就是唱進心裏。尤其是他在唱「We're running to the edge of the world;

Running,running away……」那句「Running,running away……」





「臺灣應該沒有反Marilyn Manson的團體吧?!有嗎?」



自問自己:「我會同意我的小孩聽他的歌嗎?」這問題好像不太對,應該是問:「他們幾歲時,才能(獨立)聽Marilyn Manson的歌,而我不會(如美國父母一樣)擔心?」

〈Running To The Edge Of The World 〉

Remember when I took you up to the top of the hill
We had our knives drawn,they were as sharp as we were in love


If God crossed us we'd take all his drugs
burn his money and his house down and wait for the fire to spread 


Sometimes hate is not enough to turn this all to ashes
Together as one againse all others
Break all of their wings and meak sure that it crashes 


We're running to the edge of the world
Running,running away
We're running to the edge of the world
I don't know if the world will end today


I had no choice to erase the debt of our families
Let you say goodbye with lips like dynamite
Everyone turned their back 'cause they knew
When we held on tight to each other
We were something fatal that fell into the wrong hands


Sometimes hate is not enough to turn this all to ashes
Together as one against all others
Break all their wings and make sure that it crashes


We're running to the edge of the world
Running,running away
We're running to the edge of the world
I don't know if the world will end today


We don't seek death, we seek destruction
Death,we seek destruction
We don't seek death,we seek destruction
Death,we seek destruction


We're running to the edge of the world
Running,running away
We're running to the edge of the world
I don't know if the world will end today


See a new beginning rise behind the sun
We could never catch up to them as fast as we run
See a new beginning rise behind the sun
We could never catch up to them as fast as we run


See a new beginning rise behind the sun
We could never catch up to them as fast as we run
See a new beginning rise behind the sun
We could never catch up to them as fast as we run





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